Enrolment Information

2024 Enrolment
We can only accept 2024 enrolments for in zone students. Please check our zone map to ensure you are in-zone and then contact enrolments@cbhs.nz to request the link to the enrolment e-form.


Year 9 2025 Enrolment
School enrolments for Year 9 2025  closed at 4pm on Friday 26th July 2024.

Offers of place to both in-zone and out of zone students plus waitlist notifications will be emailed no later than Friday 2nd August 2024.

If you need to submit a late in-zone application please email enrolments@cbhs.nz


Open Day 2024
Our Open Day was held on Tuesday 21st May 2024, there isn’t another open day scheduled for 2024.

Boarding at Adams House 2025
Applying for a boarding place at Adams House requires an additional enrolment process.
Boarding Applications and interview requests for Year 9 2025 closed on Friday 15 March 2024.  Please see the Adams House Boarding Information below for full information.