Culture & the Arts


CBHS Music has a long and proud tradition in a wide variety of styles. From the Choir to the award-winning Jazz ensembles band and the orchestra to a rock band, we have it covered. A strong and vibrant itinerant music programme provides tuition to the boys in many different instruments and all by highly qualified and experienced musicians.

A suite of Apple  iMac’s and a newly appointed recording studio gives boys the opportunity to delve into the ever expanding world of music and sound technology – all whilst at school and in school time.


CBHS has a proud tradition of producing excellent students in the field of drama.

There are a variety of drama focused activities that boys from Year 9 to 13 can be involved in during their time at CBHS.

We offer drama as a full subject from Year 10 through to Year 13. There is also the chance to participate in the Sheila Winn Shakespeare Festival in term one, a drama club and a theatre sports club, a senior play or production as well as perform at the schools ‘Big Night Out’.

We also have an outstanding technical team who run lighting and sounds for a variety of school events. Technically minded boys also enjoy the opportunities offered with the Film and Media Club and the Technical (Stage and Lighting) crews.

Māori & Pasifika

Christchurch Boys’ High School falls within the rohe of Ngāi Tūāhuriri who advise us at a strategic level.

Our active Whānau Group include families from a wide variety of New Zealand iwi and they meet regularly along with a member of the school’s senior management to monitor and support the progress the school is making with its Māori students.

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