Video Game Addiction - a practical guide to assist parents

When does gaming, social media and other behaviour become an addiction – find out more

Support Groups

Support Groups for family members of addiction sufferers for Christchurch-supporting families
Kina Trust – information, support and advice for families dealing with alcohol or other drug use
Common Ground – helping families to support young people to manage hard times. Are you concerned about your teenager’s drug use click here for more information


Information for parents of victims, bystanders and perpetrators of bullying

Keeping Safe Online

One of the major concerns about young peoople’s use of phones relates to online bullying.  Here are several resources that can help schools address online bullying :
Bullying Free NZ
Netsafe for ways to stay safe online
Keep it Real Online
Anyone who experiences harm through digital communications is encouraged to contact Netsafe for advice and support

Information about Vaping

The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ has launched a ‘Don’t Get Sucked In’ vaping education campaign.

The website has been designed to challenge students’ knowledge of the vaping industry to find out if they have been ‘sucked in’ and then explores some of the common misconceptions and risks associated with vapes and e-cigarettes. You can access all of the campaign information here including downloadable posters for you to share online or print.

All of the content on the website has been fully backed up with both scientific and medical research. These references have also been provided in the research and findings area of the website for quick access. Feel free to also follow the campaign on Facebook and Instagram.

Canterbury Men's Centre/Happy Healthy Canterbury Men

The Canterbury Men’s Centre takes care of Canterbury men in pursuing our aim of Happy Healthy Canterbury Men.We do this in the following ways: – Counselling: solo and couples Counselling in Christchurch, Ashburton and Rangiora. – taking care of men that have experienced sexual trauma at any time in their life Survivors – taking care of dads Care for Canterbury Dads.

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